Ruli Featured on Law360: "Legal Ops Co. Ruli Emerges From Stealth Mode With $2.2M"

Ruli Featured on Law360: "Legal Ops Co. Ruli Emerges From Stealth Mode With $2.2M"

Ruli Featured on Law360: "Legal Ops Co. Ruli Emerges From Stealth Mode With $2.2M"

Team Ruli

Jul 24, 2024

From Law360: "A new legal operations platform unveiled on Monday what it touts as the ultimate artificial intelligence tool for in-house legal teams and announced a $2.2 million pre-seed round..."

To read more, check out the article on Law360.

From Law360: "A new legal operations platform unveiled on Monday what it touts as the ultimate artificial intelligence tool for in-house legal teams and announced a $2.2 million pre-seed round..."

To read more, check out the article on Law360.

From Law360: "A new legal operations platform unveiled on Monday what it touts as the ultimate artificial intelligence tool for in-house legal teams and announced a $2.2 million pre-seed round..."

To read more, check out the article on Law360.